Have you seen the movie ‘Coco’ 😃💀.
Many students ask me if I know Spanish movies to practice their comprehension. I always tell them that movies are quite difficult, but the trailers are great for practice. Here’s a Spanish exercise for the “Day of the Dead”, with phrases from the trailer of the movie “Coco”.
Why are trailers better than movies?
Trailers are excellent for improving comprehension. In fact, they offer several advantages:
- Watch them on Youtube.
- Activate the subtitles.
- Slow down the audio speed to make it easier to understand.
- Watch them as many times as you need because they last between 3 and 5 minutes.
The movie Coco (Disney – Pixar)
Coco (Disney – Pixar) is a tender and wonderful movie inspired by the Day of the Dead celebrated in Mexico on November 1 and 2.
It tells the story of Miguel, a 12-year-old Mexican boy who dreams of becoming a musician, but his family does not want him to fulfill his dream. Miguel discovers a mystery about his great-great-grandfather, a famous musician, and accidentally enters the Land of the Dead.
To return to the world of the living, Miguel must receive the blessing of a deceased family member. He then lives a fascinating adventure with his new friend Hector in the Land of the Dead. Hector is a friendly skeleton with whom he strikes up a friendship. During the journey, he learns about the importance of memory, family love and the legacy of his ancestors. The film culminates in a moving recognition of the importance of remembering and honoring departed loved ones.
If you want to know more about the Day of the Dead click here
Exercise with phrases from the movie Coco
I have chosen the trailer of this movie to make a nice and fun exercise to practice Spanish 😊
It has sentences of all kinds: some easy, some a bit more difficult. Sentences in present tense, imperative, subjunctive etc.
Vocabulary and phrases
Antes de hacer el ejercicio puedes mirar esta lista de palabras y frases:
esqueleto skeleton
hacerle caso a alguien listen to someone
odiar to hate
convertirse en… to become a…
egoísta selfish
quedarse to stay
Choose the correct phrase. You will see 2 similar sentences. One is correct, the other has grammar errors. You must choose the sentence without errors. All the phrases are from the movie Coco by Disney, Pixar (Latin Spanish version).
Phrases from the movie “Coco”
21 questions – Intermediate Level A2, B1, B2
Choose the correct option
(if the answer is correct you will hear the pronunciation 🔊)
Below you can watch the full trailer

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Watch the trailer on Youtube
COCO – Trailer (Latin America)

This exercise is for educational purposes only.
I do not own the rights to this movie and I have used only some fragments
for the purpose of teaching the Spanish language.
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